Thursday 2 May 2013

My mind always thinks of u
Do you miss me too?

My hearts always miss you
Do you miss me too?

My adoration's of holy place is you
Do you miss me too?

My eyes die filled with tears for you
Do you miss me too?

My purpose of life is to live & die with you
Do you miss me too?

All my life is for you.....
i love you....
Without a word, you made me know what love is
Without a word, you gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away

Without a word, love leaves me
Without a word, love abandons me
Wondering what to say next
My lips were surprised
It came without a word
Why does it hurt so much?
Why does it hurt continuously?
Except for the fact that I can’t see you anymore, and that you’re not here anymore
otherwise, it’ll be just the same like before
Without a word, you made me know what love is
Without a word, you gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away

Without a word, love leaves me
Without a word, love abandons me
Wondering what to say next
My lips were surprised

Without a word, tears starts falling down
Without a word, my heart is broken
Without a word, I waited for love
Without a word, love hurts me

hyung nim..<3

Wednesday 1 May 2013

kaki novel...

antara koleksi novel ayu....:)

aq dgn novel mmg xdpt dipisahkan...huhuhu..sanggup berhabis duit utk novel je..kalau dah dapat novel,mmg xingt dunia..xmakan pun xpe... bila baca novel nie,,ase cm hilang semua masalah, n stress y melanda diri.....then bila baca novel nie,,bt kita jd kuat berangan..dan aq akan jatuh cinta dgn setiap watak hero dalam novel y di baca...mcm2 reaksi ad bila baca novel tu semua,.gembira ,sedih,benci,geram,kelakar,,mcm2 la ad..semuanya ad...setakat nie,semua koleksi y aq kumpul semuanye best2,,koleksi novel skarang dah dkat 50bijik dah,,hobi nie akn diteruskan smpai la aq dah jemu...hehe..